Pediatric Eye Exams

The Importance of Pediatric Eye Exams from Eyeland

It is important for everyone to take care of their eyes and this is particularly important for children. Children are growing and developing quickly. As they grow and develop, their eyes are going to change as well. For this reason, it is important for every parent to make sure that their child’s eyes are developing appropriately. There are a number of problems that might arise that can be detected by a trained eye doctor before they start to cause problems. The dedicated team from Eyeland is here to make sure that everyone in the local area has access to a trained and experienced pediatric optometrist.


Why are Pediatric Eye Exams Important?

There are a number of reasons why pediatric eye exams are important for every child. Some of the most important reasons include:

Growth and Development:  Children grow and develop quickly. Their eyes grow along with them. During this process, there are a number of important changes that are going to happen with the eyes. It is important to make sure that everything is growing and developing on schedule.

Corrective Lenses: Sometimes, children don't realize that they need corrective lenses. It takes an eye doctor to point out these problems because children often think they what they're seeing is "normal." Eye doctors can help children improve their vision by placing the right corrective lenses in front of their eyes.

Preventative Care:  Next, pediatric eye doctors can also help children with preventative care. There are a number of conditions that can be detected by an eye doctor before they cause any symptoms. Because there aren't any symptoms, these conditions would otherwise progress unchecked without an annual visit. This can go a long way toward not only fixing eye diseases but also preserving a child's vision.

These are only a few of the many reasons why it is important for every child to have an annual eye exam. This is a critical part of the growth and development of every child.

Rely on the Team from Eyeland for Eye Care Needs

This is a brief overview of pediatric eye exams. It is important for every child to make sure that their vision is checked at least once per year. Anyone who would like to learn more about pediatric eye exams should reach out to the dedicated team from Eyeland. Every child should have access to an eye doctor who understands their needs. That is why our office has invested in the latest treatment options for children's eye care. We would be honored to put these resources to work for you. Call us today to schedule an appointment!


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Our Regular Schedule

Aspen Hill (Silver Spring) | 301-871-6454


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-5:00 pm

